Sunday, May 4, 2008


I'm sure most everyone knows by now that Sarah Anne came 2.5 weeks early. :) She was born Tues. April 22nd at 5:52 p.m My water broke around 7:15 that morning but Sarah Anne took her time getting here after that. She was 8 lbs. 6 oz and 21.25" long....not exactly a small baby! Everyone is doing great. Caroline LOVES her sister and Sarah Anne is a great baby (everyone knock on wood...quick! We hope it stays that way!). Caroline has even warmed back up to me - that was hard for me. We had actually made a trip to the hospital the Friday before Sarah Anne was born. I was horribly sick with a stomach virus (at the time we thought I might be in labor). I stayed overnight so that they could hydrate me. My doctor suspects that the virus may have thrown me into labor. The timing turned out well in the end b/c my parents came down on Sun. to help us out since I was so sick. They were here when Sarah Anne was born. So, to make a long story short, I wasn't able to spend much time with Caroline in the days right before the baby was born. That combined with all of the change threw Caroline off. We are back on track for the most part now!

Caroline finally got her first haircut Sat. night at 19 mo. old. I knew she would never "allow" anyone else to cut her hair so I did it myself. Ben worked hard to distract her, but she really did not like having her hair trimmed. I say trimmed, but I actually butchered my poor babies hair into a bob. :( It's uneven and needs to be shaped up a bit more. Hopefully it will make her hair thick, and I hope it grows long sooner than later!

Ben worked all day in the yard. He is trying to get our backyard in shape after the dogs destroyed it. We had to give Brutus and Knox away b/c Caroline is allergic to dogs...and we needed to reclaim our backyard so the girls will have a place to play. It is going to take some time to get things in order with the backyard, but Ben and his Dad have done a lot to get that process started.

Here are some pictures!


Corie said...

Nicole forwarded some pictures of Sarah Anne- she is just precious!
Glad you are all doing well and adjusting to life again! :)

Take care!!!!

Natasha said...

Thank you for all of the photos that you have e-mailed me. I can't wait to meet Miss Sara Anne!