Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Playing in the Rain

Ben let Caroline play in the rain a couple of weekends ago. It was the first weekend we were home with Sarah Anne. Did I really think it was a good idea to let my 18 mo. old play in the rain? Not really, but I was far too tired at that point to worry about it. :) She had a great time....and so did her Daddy!

Caroline has recently learned to love drinking through a straw. Now she wants to drink out of my water mug all of the time!

Sweet Sarah Anne is becoming more alert, and she is having more awake periods. She is back up to her birth weight and doing great! Caroline loves her Sissy, and she is a very good helper. :)


Amanda said...

So cute. I think Sarah Anne definitely looks different from Caroline as a baby- like sisters but there are some differences. I think she has more Kristi:)

Rebecca Krueger said...

Kristi! Your girls are beautiful! It's great to get a glimpse of your life these days.