Friday, November 21, 2008

Baby Bjorn

Last weekend Ben was carrying Sarah Anne around in the Baby Bjorn. Caroline, wanting to do EVERYTHING her sister does (to include, but not limited to, chewing on teething rings, giving herself tummy time, sucking on a get the idea), insisted that Ben put her in the Baby Bjorn. Ben and I actually thought it would be pretty funny to see Caroline in it because she is getting so tall! Here are the be the judge as to whether or not Sassy enjoyed it!

Don't worry....I took these quick pictures, and then we took her out...she wasn't in it for long at all! Just long enough to let us know she didn't like it after all. I wonder if two is too young to learn the lesson "becareful what you ask for"?!

Sweet little Sarah Anne just watched while her sister was being tortured with the Baby Bjorn. :) Ben thought it would be funny to "torture" Sarah Anne by putting her pants on her head. :)