Saturday, April 5, 2008

Oh no, not NO!!!

We were wondering when Caroline would learn the magic word "No". Wonder no more, it's here! She doesn't use it in the correct of now. She just goes around saying "Nooooooo" - it's kind of an exaggerated long drawn out "No". When she woke up from her morning nap this morning I could hear her laying in her crib saying "Noooo, Nooo, Noooo" over and over. Then she would giggle. :) She also likes to walk around saying it. We try not to use the word often, but it is inevitable that she will learn how to use it in the correct context.

Caroline has recently started walking around with her hands folded together and behind her back. It's like she is pacing the room and contemplating life or world affairs. I've never noticed that Ben or I walk around this way, so I'm not sure where she picked this up. Daycare? How deep can an 18 mo. olds thinking really be?!?

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