Monday, June 9, 2008

Toilet Paper and Mannequins

It has definitely been a challenge to accomplish anything around the house. If one of the girls is sleeping, the other is awake and needs something. It's as if they have radar and sense that I am going to start something like dishes or the laundry...and BAM....someone needs me. :) I'm not complaining, just trying to figure out how or if this will change. Lately Sarah Anne has cried if she is awake and isn't being held. I carry her around in the sling, but sometimes she doesn't like even that. Today I decided I would just have to let her cry it out a bit while I threw in a load of laundry and got dressed. Caroline was following me around "helping" start the laundry. So with Sarah Anne crying in her swing I started the laundry. About half way into what I was doing I realized my helper (Caroline) was gone. I was sure she had gone in to see Sarah Anne (Sissy, My Sissy, My Baby...all names Caroline calls her). She loves to watch over and help her. When I came out of the laundry room there, down the hall in the bathroom, stood Caroline with a huge smile on her sweet little face. In one hand she had an empty roll of toilet paper and in the other hand she had soggy toilet paper that she had put in and pulled out of the toilet. She was very proud of herself! She helped me clean everything up (she loves to clean anything) and I shut the door behind us. What is the fascination that draws kids to the toilet? It's time I bought Caroline a water table for outside. :)

Today we went to the mall. It was just too hot to go to the pool or do anything outside. Caroline waved and blew kisses to every mannequin we passed. :) She was also friends with half of Macys by the time we left. She is not shy to say the least!

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