Friday, March 28, 2008

Licking Ketchup

Tonight at dinner Ben was showing Caroline how to dip french fries in ketchup before eating them. She did a great job dipping, however, she decided that licking the ketchup off of the french fry was much tastier than actually eating the french fry. :) You can only imagine how soggy the french fry was by the time she was done with the ketchup!

Caroline has really gotten into immitating us. Lately when she stands in her little easy chair I have been motioning my pointer finger in a downward fashion as I tell her to sit on her bottom. She has managed to turn this into a game of sorts. Now when she stands in the chair she immediately looks at me and does the exact same finger motion as I have used with her. As a matter of fact, she won't sit on her bottom until she sees me motion her with my finger to sit down. I guess my request to sit doesn't matter unless I literally show her with my finger that she is to sit down!

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